In this timeless literary masterpiece, Victor Hugo weaves a captivating tale that spans through the tumultuous times of 19th-century France. “Les Misérables” delves into the lives of its diverse characters, each with their own struggles and dreams, against the backdrop of a society divided by injustice and revolution. At the heart of the story is Jean Valjean, an ex-convict who seeks redemption after serving a lengthy prison sentence for stealing a loaf of bread. His path crosses with the relentless Inspector Javert, whose unwavering commitment to the law puts him on a collision course with Valjean’s quest for a new life. Amongst the chaos and hardships, we meet Fantine, a tragic figure driven to despair by societal cruelty, and Cosette, her innocent daughter, whose life intertwines with Valjean’s. Then, there’s Marius, a young revolutionary swept up in the fervor of change, and Eponine, whose unrequited love leads her into a world of sacrifice. (Tanıtım Bülteninden) )
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